The residence permit expired one week before thesis defence due to the Migration Agency's slow processing of her application. “My case shows that the system...
The researcher Cansu Elmadagli may have to leave Sweden because she does not...
The Swedish Migration Agency's assessment of what is required in order to be...
A doctoral candidate with a two-year employment contract was denied a permanent residence...
A month's work in the industry gave doctoral candidate Shengxin Liu new perspectives...
Grinding your teeth in your sleep. Palpitations and feelings of panic. Time pressure...
It is unusual, but serious for the individual concerned when a doctoral appointment...
Mohamed Al-Sabri left his everyday life of civil war for a research scholarship in Sweden. Four years later, he is a doctoral candidate at Uppsala...
A couple of hundred people gathered on Götaplatsen in Gothenburg to protest against the new Aliens Act. “The changes have created extreme uncertainty for doctoral...
The proportion of foreign doctoral candidates staying in Sweden has increased steadily since 2013. The question is what will happen now that the changes to...
Doctoral students from outside of the EU/EEA feel the effect of the new Swedish migration legislation...
According to figures from the Swedish Higher Education Authority, the highest numbers of foreign doctoral candidates come from China, Germany, India and Iran....
The level of establishment in the labour market gradually increases in the years following a doctoral qualification. One year after qualification it is 71 per...
Despite a stated goal of Swedish politicians to attract and retain highly qualified labour, they are now doing exactly the opposite. In July 2014, an...